BEDS is a project that uses different techniques and artistic resources from photocollage to painting or installation.


As if it were an upholsterer, Gloria Rico upholsters furniture (beds, sofas, chaise longes, ...) with landscape elements. She covers the area of body contact with weather and nature tapestries, in connection with a metaphorical meaning of objects that evoke a personal and symbolic poetic, charged of affection.


These initially aseptic objects (like images of decorating catalogs), devoid of vivid reminiscences, become allegories once they have been reformed or upholstered. Soul or anecdotal qualities are assigned to them. The tapestry attributes an atmospheric condition (relative to the states of matter: water, air, earth, fire, and its symbolism) to an inert object. In turn, this tapestry is associated with an emotional reference that the object inspires to the author, once they find themselves. As a result, it is given excitement to seemingly inert objects, capable of telling stories after being modified (those of the author or any viewer who want to imagine).




Bajo el título de “Camas” (2012- en proceso) se engloban varias series que buscan la resignificación del mobiliario de descanso: camas, sofás y sofá-camas. La obra le otorga a este mobiliario una personalidad, un valor estético, una carga afectiva, una nueva función o una posible ficción. A través de la personificación, la recontextualización o el aislamiento de dicho mobiliario, puedo dar forma a imágenes, objetos o espacios instalativos visualmente poéticos y trasladar al espectador a un lugar que le puede resultar ajeno y a la vez próximo. Para ello, me sirvo de distintos soportes, técnicas y procedimientos, frecuentemente rozando los límites entre lo fotográfico, lo pictórico y lo escultórico, cuestión última sobre la que mi trabajo también pretende recapacitar.




© Gloria Rico Clavellino